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Utilisateur:Jpbrigand/Recettes d'œufs

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Ces recettes d'œufs sont applicables aux œufs de poule, de canne et de caille. Autrefois les œufs de vanneau étaient recherchés. Les œufs d'autruche, de flamand ont une composition différente et ne se cuisinent pas à l'identique.

Plats aux œufs[modifier | modifier le code]

Œufs crus[modifier | modifier le code]

Œufs cuits à l'eau[modifier | modifier le code]

Nom Image Variantes Origine Description
Œuf à la coque Œuf mollet (blanc coagulé, jaune liquide) Œuf entier cuit dans sa coquille, blanc pris, jaune liquide
Œuf dur Nombreuses présentations Œuf entier cuit dans sa coquille, blanc et jaune cuits. 10 min dans l'eau bouillante.
Onsen tamago Admettent diverses sauces, variante: l'œuf parfait (cuisson à basse température) Japon Œuf cuit dans sa coquille dans une eau entre 62 et 75°C, demande un séjour plus ou moins long selon la température
Œuf cocotte admettent de nombreuses garnitures L'œuf sans sa coquille est cuit avec de la crème dans un ramequin ou un cuiseur à œufs, au bain-marie, et/ou au four, à la vapeur, au micro-ondes
Œuf poché admettent de nombreux nappages, peuvent se cuire au vin L'œuf sans sa coquille est cuit dans le liquide bouillant
Recettes à base d'œufs durs[modifier | modifier le code]
Recettes à base d'œufs pochés[modifier | modifier le code]
Nom Image Variantes Origine Description
Omelette Plain France A dish made from beaten eggs quickly cooked with butter or oil, but not further stirred while cooking, in a frying pan, sometimes folded around a filling such as cheese, vegetables, meat (often ham), or some combination of the above.
Scrambled eggs Plain A dish made from beaten egg whites and yolks of (usually chicken eggs). Beaten eggs are put into a hot pot or pan (usually greased) and stirred frequently, forming curds as they coagulate.
Basted egg Plain Sunny-side-up eggs that are slightly cooked on the top. This can be accomplished by spooning fat from the pan onto the eggs[1] or by turning them and cooking the yolk side for a few seconds.[2]
Shirred eggs Plain Also known as baked eggs, it is a dish in which eggs have been baked in a flat-bottomed dish; the name originates from the type of dish in which it was traditionally baked. An alternative way of cooking is to crack the eggs into individual ramekins and cook them in a water bath, creating the French dish eggs.
Avgolemono Savory Mediterranean A family of sauces and soups made with egg and lemon juice, mixed with broth.
Egg Kalakki Savoury India “Kalakki” in Tamil means “to mix”. It is a soft scrambled egg with a little curry added into it. Kalakki is a famous food from southern Tamil Nadu. But nowadays Kalakki has become a very sought after dish in many restaurants all over Tamilnadu.[3]
Baghali ghatogh Savory Iran A khoresh (Persian stew) made with baghalas (Rashtian faba beans), dill, and eggs. Usually served with kateh (Persian rice dish) in the northern provinces of Iran.
Bai pong moan Savory Cambodia A Cambodian dish, consisting of fried eggs and white rice
Balut Savory Southeast Asia A steamed fertilized duck egg containing a partially developed duck embryo, it is commonly sold as street food in the Philippines.
Buttered eggs Plain England Scrambled eggs with additional butter melted and stirred into the egg mixture before cooking.[4]
Brik Savory Tunisia A Tunisian dish consisting of thin warka pastry around a filling commonly deep fried. The best-known version is the egg brik, a whole egg in a triangular pastry pocket with chopped onion, tuna, harissa and parsley.