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Discussion utilisateur:Dejudicibus

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Une page de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Bonjour. Les pages utilisateurs n'ont pas pour fonction d'héberger des pages dont la communauté a décidé la suppression. Ceci n'est pas acceptable. Merci de sauvegarder cela ailleurs et de le blanchir. Bokken | 木刀 14 mars 2008 à 12:37 (CET)[répondre]

First of all I apologies if I reply in English, but even if I can read some French I am not able to properly write in your language. You said that user pages should not be used to host removed pages, and I agree with you. In my case, however, the page is concerning info about me, and user pages are used to contain info about the user. All user pages, included yours, speak of user. For example you say that «Je suis un homme marié, né le 18 juin 1980. J'habite actuellement à Paris dans le 13 arrondissement, en plein milieu du quartier asiatique (sans être moi-même d'origine asiatique, d'ailleurs).» So, aren't you sharing personal info in your user page? I simply reused those that someone translated to French since I am not able to write in French, but only to correct some article related to Italy or to ask some friend of mine to translate some article about Italy I wrote. Greetings--Dejudicibus (d) 14 mars 2008 à 12:47 (CET)[répondre]
Sous-page deleted. DocteurCosmos - 14 mars 2008 à 12:56 (CET)[répondre]
Why? It was just about info about me, like any other user page. It is not within Wikipedia nor indexed.--Dejudicibus (d) 14 mars 2008 à 13:01 (CET)[répondre]
It was the copy of a deleted article. DocteurCosmos - 14 mars 2008 à 13:11 (CET)[répondre]
Can I reuse some statements here in my user page? Just to have not everything in English. Is it correct according to policies?--Dejudicibus (d) 14 mars 2008 à 13:18 (CET)[répondre]

Yes, it could be correct provided that :

  • It is obvious that it is not an article (e. g. it has to be written in the first person, not the third) and
  • It is not linked from the main namespace (i.e. regular articles).

That page was obviously misleading on both grounds. Bokken | 木刀 14 mars 2008 à 13:47 (CET)[répondre]

OK, thank you. I'll do and then I would appreciate if you can check I did not made errors.--Dejudicibus (d) 14 mars 2008 à 14:02 (CET)[répondre]

Fausto papetti

[modifier le code]

Why did you remove that page? It was in French. I cannot translate the name of albums! They should be in the original language (Italian or French). But the article i was writing was in French. --Dejudicibus (d) 14 mars 2008 à 15:15 (CET)[répondre]

Well it was in a really bad french, please if you are not fluent in this language do not try to do articles, regards--Kimdime69 (d) 14 mars 2008 à 15:20 (CET)[répondre]
Well I see two solutions, you can request the creation of the article on Wikipédia:Demander un article/Art et culture/Musique are you can ask for translations here : Projet:Traduction but we cannot accept the creation of articles in a so poor french, sorry --Kimdime69 (d) 14 mars 2008 à 15:37 (CET)[répondre]
Sounds good to me!--Kimdime69 (d) 14 mars 2008 à 15:42 (CET)[répondre]
All right, there is yet a translation request, no you will have to wait, see the page of the article Fausto Papetti--Kimdime69 (d) 14 mars 2008 à 16:02 (CET)[répondre]