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Oui, j'existe!! Migdiachinea

Just been accepted to the UCLA MFA program in Screenwriting and Digital Media -- !! March 28, 2009

Here's an email from some friends --

"Mig....we are so totally not surprised that you were accepted! And, we are very happy for you to soon become part of a most prestigious and distinguished group of people. In the end these schools choose people because of special qualities that they can offer to the school and somehow make it different than when they arrived. In that respect, they should be honored to have you because, believe me, they will never be the same!" Peter and Scott

From: "Migdia Chinea" To:

Subject: No honor -- just frustration. Date: Sunday, August 19, 2007 5:58 PM

Dear President Bush:

I've taken the initiative to write this note to let you know how little I think of you as a person, as a man and as a President. You appear to have no sense of compassion, nor humanity, nor honor, and sadly your moral and professional deficiencies percolate down and infect the rest of our country -- they trickle down into our economy, our foreign policy, our health care system (or lack thereof), our job market (should I also mention its "lack thereof?"), our environment -- they impregnate our schools, our roads and even our personal lives. In sum, your misguided policies -- always conceived and delivered with a supercilious smirk and an illiterate remark -- affect everything in our daily lives. Shame on you!!

I've been told to "be afraid" for submitting this email. Based on what I've read recently in various publications regarding a growing aversion to free expression and other unconstitutional governmental invasions of privacy, I'm left to wonder. But no worries. I'm fairly certain that my job as a barrio substitute teacher will do me in before the royal storm troopers arrive.

Respectfully --

Migdia Chinea, Registered Republican; female; Cuban-American; U.S. Citizen.

Your people may Google me -- 20 août 2007 à 04:26 (CEST) 20 août 2007 à 04:26 (CEST)


Waitress (2007)

NYT Critics' Pick July 23, 2007

Waitress of the heart pie, July 22, 2007

Reviewer: migdia Waitress is a film impossible not to like. From start to finish, it is heart-rendering, amusing and replete with originality. While it is a romantic comedy, it's not a Hollywood romantic comedy in that the film rarely goes where one would expect. The plot follows a young roadside waitress (Keri Russell) who is married to a dullwitted and meanspirited full-time loser. When she learns that she's pregnant, which puts her on a collision course with her plans to leave her husband, instead, she embarks on an unplanned passionate love affair with the new married doctor in town. The film follows her as she tries to sort out her pregnancy, her abusive relationship with her husband and understand her illicit affair, while dealing with her everyday life, her fellow waitress friends and a grumpy old customer (Andy Griffith) who owns the restaurant. Even small characters are memorable, such as the restaurant's short-order cook, as well as the mother of an obnoxious boy who frequent the diner and strike a fear of motherhood into the pregnant protagonist. The great Andy Griffith makes his role a true standout. Adrienne Shelly, who was one of the film's three befuddled leading characters, wrote and directed one perfect film here. It is a tragedy that she did not live to see the product of her work, as it certainly would have given her the success she so richly deserved. Shelly's film is "definitely made for anyone who has a heart pie." MIGDIA CHINEA

Andy Ostroy Executive Director Adrienne Shelly Foundation, Inc.

16 West 22nd Street - 11th Floor

New York, NY 10010

Phone: 212.381.1702 Fax: 212.924.9949


Dear Andy:

When "Waitress" -- a great film -- showed at the Writers Guild Theater Film Society, of which I'm a member, people were not aware of Adrienne's passing -- and neither was I. I'm so sorry, saddened and utterly depressed because I just read about it this early morning in the New York Times at 4:33 AM Pacific Standard Time.

Like Adrienne, I'm primarily a writer and have also been an actress -- all of it with many bumps on the road. To make ends meet, and keep my historic home where my son was raised, I work like a dog, have a roommate and a guest house tenant, and I substitute teach at many Los Angeles ghetto schools where I have been dragged to be raped, threatened, attacked, burglarized (by another teacher or custodian), insulted and maltreated. This, I have to do to survive and to accrue the necessary hours to qualify for much needed health insurance. The LAUSD has no respect for me or for anyone -- it's an unfeeling bureaucracy which doesn't respond to letters, or logic, or need, or anything at all.

I wish to offer my condolences because any career a woman chooses, in entertainment most particularly, will be a long road -- men just don't take women seriously and we're so vulnerable, physically and emotionally. I have always believed that is the case -- especially if you're a Hispanic mother living, essentially, alone. I welcome you to Google me, so that at least you see I'm not a crackpot. And I wish to tell you that I'm so very sorry --

With my best regards --

Migdia Chinea