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Articles[modifier | modifier le code]

This is a list of campaigns during the Pacific War.

Flags indicate the country, or countries, winning the offensive.

Second Sino-Japanese war[modifier | modifier le code]

Before 1942 and inclusion in the Pacific War:

After inclusion in the Pacific War:

Modèle:Country data Empire of Japan Franco-Japanese Border War

Drapeau de la Thaïlande Franco-Thai War

  • October 1940 – 9 May 1941

Drapeau de l'URSS Soviet–Japanese border conflicts

Japanese conquest of Southeast Asia and Pacific[modifier | modifier le code]

Allied offensives[modifier | modifier le code]

See Atlas of the World Battle Fronts







South East Asian campaigns: 1941-12-08 – 1945-08-15

New Guinea campaign

Madagascar Campaign

Aleutian Islands Campaign

Guadalcanal Campaign

Solomon Islands campaign

Gilbert and Marshall Islands campaign

Bombing of South East Asia, 1944-45

Mariana and Palau Islands campaign

Philippines campaign

Volcano and Ryukyu Islands campaign

Borneo campaign

Japan campaign

Soviet invasion of Manchuria

Command areas[modifier | modifier le code]

The command structures of the Pacific War varied, reflecting the different roles of various belligerent nations, and often involving different geographic scopes. These included the following:

Citations[modifier | modifier le code]

  1. Klemen L, « The capture of Tarakan Island, January 1942 » [archive du ], Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  2. Klemen L, « The capture of Balikpapan, January 1942 » [archive du ], Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  3. Klemen L, « The Japanese Invasion of Ambon Island, January 1942 », Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  4. Klemen L, « The battle for Palembang, February 1942 », Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  5. Klemen L, « The Badung Strait Battle », Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  6. L Klemen, « The Japanese Invasion of Dutch West Timor Island, February 1942 », Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  7. Klemen L, « The fighting on Portuguese East Timor, 1942 », Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  8. L Klemen, « The Java Sea Battle, February 1942 » [archive du ], Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  9. Jan Visser, « The Sunda Strait Battle », Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  10. L Klemen, « The conquest of Java Island, March 1942 » [archive du ], Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  11. Klemen L, « The Mystery of Christmas Island, March 1942 », Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941–1942, 1999–2000
  13. a et b Potter & Nimitz, 1960, p.770
  14. a et b Ofstie(1946)p.275

Modèles[modifier | modifier le code]

Grades de l'Armée française
Marine nationale Armée de terre
Armée de l'air
Gendarmerie nationale
Officiers généraux
Amiral Général d'armée
Vice-amiral d'escadre Général de corps d'armée
Vice-amiral Général de division
Contre-amiral Général de brigade
Officiers supérieurs
Capitaine de vaisseau Colonel
Capitaine de frégate Lieutenant-colonel
Capitaine de corvette Commandant
Officiers subalternes
Lieutenant de vaisseau Capitaine
Enseigne de vaisseau 1 Lieutenant
Enseigne de vaisseau 2 Sous-lieutenant
Aspirant Aspirant
Sous-officiers et officiers mariniers
Major Major
Maître principal Adjudant-chef
Premier maître Adjudant
Maître Sergent-chef / MCH
Second maître Sergent / MDL
Militaires du rang
Quartier maître 1 Caporal-chef / BCH
Quartier maître 2 Caporal / Brigadier
Matelot Soldat / Gendarme adjoint