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Domain specific language

  • Erlang est un langage dédié (crée par ericsson). Voir SID.

Enseignement Many Computer Science (CS) programs expose their students to several different programming languages. Others select a “core” programming language that the students use in every course in the curriculum with the idea that they can make the connection between programming language concepts when learning new languages. The CS program at West Point uses the latter approach, but encourages students to explore other languages. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages, but either way, programming assignments create challenges for the teachers (developing assignments, solutions, grading, etc.) and for the students (familiarity with particular languages, development environments, etc.).

ref Bibliographique

(en) John M. D. Hill et Kenneth L. Alford, « A Distributed Task Environment for Teaching Artificial Intelligence with Agents », journal SIGCSE,‎ (lire en ligne)